Wednesday, February 2, 2011


For we through the spirit by faith wait for the hope of righteousness.  Galatians 5:5

We can tare down the walls that separate us from growing in the Lord.  The Holy Spirit is our teacher.  Its a step of faith believing and hearing the Holy Spirit.  It takes work and effort to be in the presence of God daily.  The Spirit is where ever we are.  We have to  acknowledge it and be tuned in to the spirit for us to be able to walk in the spirit constantly.  God wants us to meditate on his word and pray.  We can ask the God to clean up the areas that are displeasing to him.  It's okay to ask the Lord this repeatedly If we are asking with a sincere heart each time we ask.  By asking over and over the Lord gives us strength each time we ask and it helps us to get stronger and eventually one day we will be able to release whatever it is that's holding us back from growing in God.  Most the time we let our Emotions control us.  This is not the Lords will for us.  Jesus wants us to be controlled by the Holy Spirit.  When we don't feel like doing something, do it anyways.  For example, I say, "I don't feel like cleaning my house today, I just don't feel up to it. "  I am letting my feelings and emotions control me here.  What I need to do is get up and clean it anyways.  By doing it anyways, I'd be letting the spirit control me and not my feelings and emotions.  First, I'd need to pray and ask the Lord to let the Holy Spirit control me and not my feelings and emotions.   The more we pray and ask for the Spirit to control us the more we will be walking in the spirit and not by feelings and emotions.  We have to let our guards down all the way with Jesus and stay in his word.  Renew our minds daily.  Even if we did or do drugs, drank, smoke, etc.  We can be released from these things.  Maybe yours isn't in these areas, its something Else.  It doesn't matter what it is.  God is bigger than anything.  The more we say no to our feelings and emotions and say yes to the spirit the stronger we become.  It takes time, effort, and work.  It can be done.  Jesus is the answer to our problems.  We don't have to be quitters.  We are fighters for Jesus Christ.  He gave his life for you.  Jesus said, "I've given you authority over all the power of the enemy, You can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them.  Nothing will injure you."  Luke 10:19  God says "Hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil."  Ephesians 6:16
"and be not conformed to this world:  but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."  Romans 12:2

Write down these verses on a note card and carry them with you through the day and meditate on them and pray.  Let the Holy Spirit start controlling you, if its not already.

I'd like to here what your thoughts are on emotions.  How you control them.  Thanks to all my readers.

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