Saturday, March 12, 2011"></script>

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


When we pray we need to ask ourselves, what is our motive?  Motive- the reason for a course of  action, whether conscious or unconscious.  If we are praying with wrong motives, then our prayers are not being answered.  We are to pray for The Lord to be glorified and for the soul of others.  We need to take ourselves out of the situation.  If we don't check our motives then we are praying selfishly.  Jesus Christ is to be glorified so others can see his magnificent love and power.  Our first prayer should be Lord cleanse my heart. Then repent of any iniquities.  After our heart is clean, we should have the right motive to pray for others.  I'm guilty of praying selfishly.  A lot of times I never realized I was being selfish.  I have alot of unanswered prayers.  What is your opioion on praying?

"Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.
But your iniquities have seperated between you and your God, and your sins have hid your face from you, that he will not hear."   Isaiah 59:1,2


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today Ive found out Ill get to go on my 1st mission trip to Texas. Oh my Im super excited! Jesus is so AWESOME! Praise God.
Im sending these post from my phone. So if there not in order im sorry. We will have the womens conference at Leflore Baptist Churc.h will post more more later
Oh WOW! I'm super excited. Yesterday I found out I'm gona be able to do my 1st public speaking at a Women conference along with some great speakers.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Repentance and Tithing

Repentance- to turn away from.   Then, Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for our remission of sins, and ye shall recieve the gift of the Holy Gost.  Acts 2:38

We should all repent of our sins.  When we repent, we are asking the Lord for forgiviness and telling him we want do that paticular sin anymore.  We have to come to the Lord with a sincere heart.  Repentance doesn't mean we will be spared sin wounds.  It does mean once we repent we will be restored back to the Lords fellowship.  Our joy and peace will also be restored back to us too. 

Tithing- to give 10% of our income to the Lord.  Everything we have belongs to the Lord.  If we don't give the Lord his 10% he will find a way to get his.  My experience with not tithing, has been my tires on my car.  In the past month, I can say every tire has gone flat.  They've all had a nail in them.  This has not happened all on the same day.  Just periodically through out the month.  I've walked out of my house to get into my car and one or two of the tires would be flat.  This is not happening ironically.  This is the Lord.  He works in misteries way. So, I have repented of this sin.  I will tithe for now on.  The Lord has been merciful to me.  I thank him for loving me and teaching me. 

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Mathew 6:33

Woe into you, scribes and pharisees, hyporcrites!  for ye pay tithes of mint and anise and cummin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgement, mercy, and faith:  these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.  Mathew 23:23

How has the Lord taught you lessons on tithing?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again  from the depths of the earth.  Psalm 71:20

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

Faith is trusting in something that is not yet seen.  Its knowing God will help us through it, even though we don't know the out come of the situation.  It's going and doing, even though we don't know how it will turn out.  It's trusting in the Lord with all our heart and letting him guide our every step.  It's giving our worries, heart break, problems to the Lord and trusting Jesus with all of them.  It's an act of self control in situations we are powerless on.  It's believing good will come from all situations over a matter of time.  It's knowing when the world has us turned up side down, Jesus will turn us right side up.  It's having a positive attitude when we really feel our world is crumbling right before our eyes.  It's believing in something so much bigger than this place.  It's trusting, loving, caring, hoping, praying, believing, waiting, self control, peace, submitting, obeying, strengthinging, desiring, worshipping, teaching, enduring, singing, rejoicing, forgiving, laughing, crying, smiling, weakness, confessing, kindness, compassion, deliverance, recieving, temptations, long suffering, pain, tormented, trials, tribulation.  Faith is tellinging God, "I will still love you"... in our moments of doubt.  I will still love you Lord in "ALL" our ways no matter what.  I will still love you Lord, I will still love you, I will.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Praising God

I like to take the time to just thank the Lord for several things.  For One, Loving me and saving me.  Jesus is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you Lord for my girls, they are very special and I know they are gifts from you.  Thank you Lord for my home, family and church family.  Thank you for all the wonderful teachers youve brought into my life.  Thank you for all my friends.  Thank you for the time you gave my girls and I with Jax.  Thank you for Duma, our new kitten.  Looks like you guys we get to keep Duma after all.  He really was Heaven sent.  Thank you for all my gifts inside of me that you are helping me bring to surface.  Thank you for reminding me daily that I am blessed.  Thank you Jesus for having so much patience with me.  Thank you for giving me life here on earth, thank you for giving me hope and eternity with you when this life has withered away.  Thank you Jesus for being my Lord and Savior. Thank you for my future, I know it will be awesome.  I love you Jesus. 
Amen!!!!!!!!!Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!
What would you like to praise Jesus for? 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Christy Nockels - Healing is in Your hands

Casting Crowns #6 Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)


For we through the spirit by faith wait for the hope of righteousness.  Galatians 5:5

We can tare down the walls that separate us from growing in the Lord.  The Holy Spirit is our teacher.  Its a step of faith believing and hearing the Holy Spirit.  It takes work and effort to be in the presence of God daily.  The Spirit is where ever we are.  We have to  acknowledge it and be tuned in to the spirit for us to be able to walk in the spirit constantly.  God wants us to meditate on his word and pray.  We can ask the God to clean up the areas that are displeasing to him.  It's okay to ask the Lord this repeatedly If we are asking with a sincere heart each time we ask.  By asking over and over the Lord gives us strength each time we ask and it helps us to get stronger and eventually one day we will be able to release whatever it is that's holding us back from growing in God.  Most the time we let our Emotions control us.  This is not the Lords will for us.  Jesus wants us to be controlled by the Holy Spirit.  When we don't feel like doing something, do it anyways.  For example, I say, "I don't feel like cleaning my house today, I just don't feel up to it. "  I am letting my feelings and emotions control me here.  What I need to do is get up and clean it anyways.  By doing it anyways, I'd be letting the spirit control me and not my feelings and emotions.  First, I'd need to pray and ask the Lord to let the Holy Spirit control me and not my feelings and emotions.   The more we pray and ask for the Spirit to control us the more we will be walking in the spirit and not by feelings and emotions.  We have to let our guards down all the way with Jesus and stay in his word.  Renew our minds daily.  Even if we did or do drugs, drank, smoke, etc.  We can be released from these things.  Maybe yours isn't in these areas, its something Else.  It doesn't matter what it is.  God is bigger than anything.  The more we say no to our feelings and emotions and say yes to the spirit the stronger we become.  It takes time, effort, and work.  It can be done.  Jesus is the answer to our problems.  We don't have to be quitters.  We are fighters for Jesus Christ.  He gave his life for you.  Jesus said, "I've given you authority over all the power of the enemy, You can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them.  Nothing will injure you."  Luke 10:19  God says "Hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil."  Ephesians 6:16
"and be not conformed to this world:  but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."  Romans 12:2

Write down these verses on a note card and carry them with you through the day and meditate on them and pray.  Let the Holy Spirit start controlling you, if its not already.

I'd like to here what your thoughts are on emotions.  How you control them.  Thanks to all my readers.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Hello, everyone.  How are you doing?  I hope great. Well, there's still no sign of Jax and I miss him terrible bad.  I have to believe that the Lord is taking care of him, where ever he is.  I trust Jesus.  Friday night this beautiful kitten showed up at my door steps.  He has not left.  I don't have a clue where he came from.  I'm going to put him in the lost and found section of the Greenwood Commonwealth.  If nobody claims him I'm going to keep him.  I want to put him in the paper because he has to belong to somebody and that would be the right thing to do.  I do not want someone to feel the way I am feeling about my Jax.  Its not a fun feeling.  I had prayed before this kitten showed up at my house that when the Lord felt he was ready for me to have another dog, I'd want him to let me know.  Then two days later Duma shows up.  Yes, my girls and I named him.  I know we probable shouldn't of done that, but we didn't know what to call him.  So, we named him Duma.  I got the name from the movie Duma.  It fits him perfectly.  So, I'm still praying if this kitten is from the Lord.  We shall see.  I will know in a few weeks if we get to keep him.  He is really pretty.  I haven't really liked cats much and I've only owned one my whole life.  He was mean and I didn't care much for him.  This kitten so far is precious.  He's sweet and loving.  So far anyways.  I wanted to up date you own this situation.  Everyone please be in prayer for Jax and Duma.  Pray for the Lords will for both these pets.  Thank you.  I'd like to here from my readers.  If you have any comments please leave them.  Thank you and God bless.

"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 3:13

Friday, January 28, 2011

Trusting God

When we need assurance that our pain and hurt want last forever.  Scripture says, "The Lord is close to the broken hearted, he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.  Psalms 34:18.  God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.  Matthew 5:4.  When we go through hard times we can not expect the pain to go away immediately.  But, scripture says, "If you search for God with all your heart and soul, you will find him.  Deuteronomy 4:29.  This is the only way to find peace through hard times and the pain gets easier.  Satin will get in your mind and make you think horrible thoughts at times, especially when you are already down.  The way to solve this is immediately pray it out.  Say Lord, please take these negative thoughts and replace them with your word.  Scripture says, "This is the secret:  Christ lives in you.  This gives us assurance and we can share his glory.  Colossians 1:27.

I've  been struggling this week.  My dog, Jax has come up missing.  Now you have to understand this is not just a dog.  This is a Jesus dog.  I've never had one like him.  He's so awesome.  Jax has been gone for a week now.  He will be on the front page of the Greenwood commonwealths Sunday paper.  My girls and I love Jax so much.  He is like one of my kids.  He did just about everything with us.  He went with me on my paper rt, to friends houses, to take kids to school, waited on kids at the end of drive way to get off bus, he did everything with us.  Jax is my best friend.  It breaks my heart that he is not with us anymore.  I have know idea where he is.  I've looked everywhere.   I don't know if hes dead or alive.  I believe someone has him.  If I'm right I pray to God they are treating him as good or better than I did.  He is very spoiled. 

I have to admit I was mad at God for allowing this to happen.  After I got through having my own little pity party and realized I was only hurting myself more by doing this.  I asked the Lord to forgive me for being mad at him and he did.  Then I just gave all my grief over to God and asked for peace with all of this.  I have my peace and joy back.  I still miss Jax like crazy.  I realize things happen and we have no understanding why they happen.  We have to trust God anyways.  In 2 Corinthians 4:18, It states, "we are not to look at the troubles we can see now, we fix our gaze on the things that can not be seen.  For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we can not see will last forever."

Friday, January 21, 2011

"If I just could"

Do you ever have days where you feel like, if I just could get through this day, I'll be alright.  Well, for me I can say, this has been one of those weeks.  Nothing seems like it has gone right.  My girls fighting and arguing with each other, my car messed up, feel like theres dissension between everyone I come across.  Late for school, late for church, disappointments that come with life that I have no control over, just life in general is hard.   This week Satin has been working on me hard.  I tell myself it's going to be okay, I know Satin is trying to tear me down, because I'm doing the Lords work and not his.  But, by the end of the day I'm totally exhausted from fighting him off. I found myself thinking where did I go wrong.  I met with Jesus this morning, spent time with him, prayed and asked him to lead me through my day.  I was finding it very hard to understand why my week has been so rough.  Satin, has tried so hard to attack my mind, which is what my post have been about for the week.  So, I talk with Jesus and I've asked him, why?  This scripture has been replaying in my mind and this is what I've held on to this week.  I posted this scripture on a earlier date.  Which was, Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7

The Holy Spirit kept revealing to me, that I do not need to get aggravated and mad because nothing has gone my way.  I need to keep praying and talking with the Lord and be thankful for my week even though it has not  gone how I wanted it to.  Jesus showed me others have it worse off than I do.  If I talk with the Lord he will hear my request and give me peace even though I may not have understanding of why things happen.  He will guard my heart and mind from satin's attacks.  Jesus wants me to trust him and even though I feel Satin trying to attack me, Jesus is still by my side through all of it.  Therefore, I feel this has been a test because of my earlier post about the mind.  So, instead Jesus has taken me on a deeper level of installing truth, his word not mine.  I believe we need to install Gods word in our hearts and minds.  This was my intentions but, now I want to start installing scripture in our minds and hearts.  One thing I have held on to everyday is Jesus is the same always, at the end of the day he is still with me and loves me.  He never changes.  So today I'd like to install this scripture which is, " Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made know to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and minds through Christ Jesus".  Philippians 4:6-7

Write this down on a sticky pad somewhere where you can read it through out your day as a reminder that Jesus is with you.  Apply this scripture with all you do today.  Read it when you feel satin trying to attack your mind.  Pray and ask Jesus to reveal to you truth in this scripture.  Knock Satin down with God's word.

Please let me know how you handle Satins attacks.  This is what works for me.  I'd like to hear some of your thoughts.  Thank you to all my readers.  You are greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Installing truth


When temptations arise, give me strength and will power to flee in the opposite direction.

My Child,
Don't give in.  Don't compromise.  Keep all your attention on me.  Clean out the clutter that holds you in bondage against me.  You have been set a part from the world.  I made you different, so the world could see me.

Words revealed by the
Holy Spirit.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and minds through Christ Jesus. 
Philippians 4:6-7

Trusting Jesus with all our heart and leaning on him with all we have will break us free from the prison that our minds are in.  It's awful to be stuck in a state of mind, that's in lock down.  Our minds are powerful.  We can have control of our mind.  Satin does not have to control it.  Once Satin knows he has your mind and he can control your every move, he will do whatever he can to torment you.  The more we stand up to Satin and tell him he will not control our minds, he has to flee.  We may find ourselves repeating this a lot through out the day, which is fine.  The more we say it the stronger we become.  Satin will eventually get the picture and back off.  We have to make a choice and stick with it.  We can not give up.  Keep fighting the fight.  Jesus never has given up on us.  He loves us.  Lets NOT be quitters.  Lets be winners.  We are all worthy in the eyes of Jesus.

We have learned we are worthy.  Our lives are of great value. 
Today lets beat Satin to the ground, with "I'm taking my mind back".  "You can not have it any longer". "It belongs to Jesus now".  Lets repeat this through out our day.  When Satin throws something in your way, "mind", repeat that phrase.  The more you say it the more you will begin to believe it.

Recall these verses to mind. 

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee:  be not dismayed; for I am thy God:  I will uphold the with the right hand of my righteousness".  Isaiah 41:10

"For I am the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto the, Fear not; I will help thee."
Isaiah 41:13

"Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy redeemer, the Holy one of Israel".  Isaiah 41:14

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stop believing lies and start believing truth.

      It's time we stop believing lies and start believing the truth.  From the time we are born, to the time we

 stop breathing, we are told many lies.  Eventually, over a period of time we start believing the things we

 here over and over.  Today, I'd like to share some truth with you. 

       Worthy- having meaning, value and honor.  

       Jesus loves each and every one of us.  He gave his life for you and me.  He wants us to love ourselves

 the way he does.  He looks at our life with meaning, value and honor.  We are worthy in his eyes.  I'd like

for us today to install the truth of what we are.  We are worthy.  Repeat that to yourself.  Say it out loud. 

"I am worthy".  "My life has great meaning, value and honor".  Today every time a negative comment crosses

your mind, say to yourself and out loud, this is a lie and I will not believe this.  Then say, "I am worthy".  "My

life has great meaning, value and honor".  We may find ourselves repeating this a lot today and that's fine. 

The more you hear it the more you will begin to believe it.  Jesus doesn't intend for us to feel horrible about

ourselves.  He wants us to feel good and loved.  The only way we can feel and know the truth is installing it

in our minds and hearts.  Jesus said, "it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that

proceeded out the mouth of God".  Matthew 4:4 

     Getting grounded in the Lords word is the best way to retrain your mind.  I can say from experience this

really does work.  Jesus has taken his truth and placed it in my mind and heart.  He's shown me the lies I've

believed for so long, removed them and replaced his love and truth in me.  We have to renew our minds

daily in the Lords word.  I feel lead to share with whomever wants to know his love and truth. 

     Jesus loves us and wants us to know that.  He wants us to love ourselves the way he does.  Lets break

free from prison, that we are in, in our minds.  The bible says, "and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall

set you free".  John 8:32.  Jesus has helped me break free from my own prison , that my mind and heart 

were in.  He has taken his truth and set me free.  I will know longer believe the lies any longer.  If you are in

your own prison, allow the Holy Spirt to speak to you today.  Let Jesus wrap his love and truth around you. 

Ask the Lord to reveal his truth to you.  Ask him to set you free from the lies thats holding you down and

install his love and truth in you.  He wants to set you free.  He has picked you.  You did not pick him.  He

does give you a choice after he has chosen you.  It's up to you now.  Don't live in torment any longer.  Pick

Jesus to live for every day.  Let him make, shape and mold you.  He wants to show you what true love

really is.  Remember, he first picked you.