Monday, January 17, 2011

Stop believing lies and start believing truth.

      It's time we stop believing lies and start believing the truth.  From the time we are born, to the time we

 stop breathing, we are told many lies.  Eventually, over a period of time we start believing the things we

 here over and over.  Today, I'd like to share some truth with you. 

       Worthy- having meaning, value and honor.  

       Jesus loves each and every one of us.  He gave his life for you and me.  He wants us to love ourselves

 the way he does.  He looks at our life with meaning, value and honor.  We are worthy in his eyes.  I'd like

for us today to install the truth of what we are.  We are worthy.  Repeat that to yourself.  Say it out loud. 

"I am worthy".  "My life has great meaning, value and honor".  Today every time a negative comment crosses

your mind, say to yourself and out loud, this is a lie and I will not believe this.  Then say, "I am worthy".  "My

life has great meaning, value and honor".  We may find ourselves repeating this a lot today and that's fine. 

The more you hear it the more you will begin to believe it.  Jesus doesn't intend for us to feel horrible about

ourselves.  He wants us to feel good and loved.  The only way we can feel and know the truth is installing it

in our minds and hearts.  Jesus said, "it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that

proceeded out the mouth of God".  Matthew 4:4 

     Getting grounded in the Lords word is the best way to retrain your mind.  I can say from experience this

really does work.  Jesus has taken his truth and placed it in my mind and heart.  He's shown me the lies I've

believed for so long, removed them and replaced his love and truth in me.  We have to renew our minds

daily in the Lords word.  I feel lead to share with whomever wants to know his love and truth. 

     Jesus loves us and wants us to know that.  He wants us to love ourselves the way he does.  Lets break

free from prison, that we are in, in our minds.  The bible says, "and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall

set you free".  John 8:32.  Jesus has helped me break free from my own prison , that my mind and heart 

were in.  He has taken his truth and set me free.  I will know longer believe the lies any longer.  If you are in

your own prison, allow the Holy Spirt to speak to you today.  Let Jesus wrap his love and truth around you. 

Ask the Lord to reveal his truth to you.  Ask him to set you free from the lies thats holding you down and

install his love and truth in you.  He wants to set you free.  He has picked you.  You did not pick him.  He

does give you a choice after he has chosen you.  It's up to you now.  Don't live in torment any longer.  Pick

Jesus to live for every day.  Let him make, shape and mold you.  He wants to show you what true love

really is.  Remember, he first picked you.